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用于全新Isys®触摸屏的Triamese 电缆

 The TPS/TPMC-CBL-T series of "triamese" cables provides a clean, flexible cable solution for Crestron's new series of Isys 12" 产品型号:TPS/TPMC-CBL-T 产品状态:在产
产品价格:面议 品牌: 快思聪Crestron

  The TPS/TPMC-CBL-T series of "triamese" cables provides a clean, flexible cable solution for Crestron's new series of Isys 12", 15" and 17" touchpanels. Available in 3, 6 and 9 foot lengths, these cables are designed primarily for use in combination with the TPMC-CH-IMC interface module. A single TPS/TPMC-CBL-T cable may be used in place of the 15 ft cable furnished with certain tilt model touchpanels, and is also compatible with comparable wall mount models wherever a short pre-made cable solution is called for.

  Each triamese cable is composed of a single Cresnet cable terminated on each end with a 3.5mm terminal block connector, and two (2) CAT5e cables each terminated with 8-pin RJ45 connectors, providing connections for Cresnet data and power, plus bidirectional audio and (1) video signal between the module and the touchpanel.

  TPS/TPMC-CBL-T cables may also be used with QuickMedia®-based touchpanels to provide a clean cable solution between the touchpanel and any compatible QuickMedia interface device. These cables are not compatible with older 10-pin RJ45 based touchpanels or interface modules.

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